Utley, J., T.M. Clobes, P.H. Rhynders, R.H. Dwight (in review)
Hematology Test Results as a Predictor of COVID-19 Infection: An Epidemiological Cohort Study Using 2020 Brazilian Hospital Data
Dwight, R.H., S.N. Catlin, L.M. Fernandez (2012)
Amounts and distribution of recreational beach expenditures in southern California
Ocean and Coastal Management, 59: 13-19
Dwight, R.H., J.S. Caplan, M.V. Brinks, S.N. Catlin, G. Buescher, J.C. Semenza (2011)
Impacts of variable precipitation on coastal water quality in southern California
Water Environment Research, 83(12): 2121-2130
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Response to Editorial on "Risk of recreational water use in southern California"
Archives of Environmental and Occupational Health, 64(3): 145-147
Brinks, M.V., R.H. Dwight, D. Turbow, G. SharavanaKumar, J.C. Semenza (2009)
Health risk of bathing in southern California coastal waters
Archives of Environmental and Occupational Health, 63(3): 123-135
Dwight, R.H., M.V. Brinks, G. SharavanaKumar, J.C. Semenza (2007)
Beach attendance and bathing rates for southern California beaches
Ocean and Coastal Management, 50: 847-858
Dwight, R.H, J.C. Semenza (2006)
Environmental Science and Technology
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Health effects associated with recreational coastal water use in urban vs. rural California
American Journal of Public Health, 94(4): 565-567
Dwight, R.H., J.C. Semenza, D.B. Baker, B.H. Olson (2002)
Association of urban runoff with coastal water quality in Orange County, California
Water Environment Research, 74(1): 82-90
Dwight, R.H. (2001)
UMI Dissertation Services, Michigan
UMI#: 3029237
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Salinamides A & B: Anti-inflammatory depsipeptides from marine Streptomycete
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 116(2): 757-758
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Rare Phenazine L-Quinovose esters from a marine Actinomycete
Journal of Organic Chemistry, 57(2): 740-742
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Structure and synthesis of a new Butanolide from a marine Actinomycete
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Tetrahedron Letters, 32(21): 2323-2326
Lovejoy, T.E. and R.H. Dwight (1991)
Biological diversity and Neptune's realm
Marine Technology Society Journal, 25(4): 7-12
Jensen, P.R., R.H. Dwight, W.H. Fenical (1991)
Distribution of Actinomycetes in near-shore tropical marine sediments
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 57(4): 1102-1108
- American Journal of Public Health
- Ocean and Coastal Management
- Water Research