Principal Consultant
2023 to present
- Providing coaching and consulting services to graduate research students in the health, science, business, and education fields.
- Working with masters, doctorate, and PhD students, at all phases of research (proposal, research, write-up, defense, publication).
- Consulting services include coaching, scientific consulting, statistics, academic review, editing, writing-publication, and defense preparation.

2004 to present
- Conducting multidisciplinary research focused on investigating the relationship between coastal water quality, and public health and economics.
- Scientific consulting, data analysis and professional writing services are provided.
- SME for the fields of public health, coastal water pollution and beach economics.

Director of Doctoral Studies, College of Health and Human Services
2018 to 2023
- Managed two doctoral programs, PhD in Health Sciences, and Doctor of Health Administration.
- Instituted an organization structure that resulted in increased student retention and completion.
- Managed dozens of faculty, and oversaw and taught hundreds of graduate students in both programs.
- Developed several engaging graduate courses in public health sciences and epidemiology.
- Dissertation Committee Chair and Member for twenty-four PhD students covering a wide range of research topics in public health including COVID.
- Served on University committees including Institutional Review Board, Doctoral Council and Library Committee.
- Twenty-Five Courses taught in College of Health and Human Services, Trident University International:
Undergraduate Courses:
Environmental Health and Safety; Water Quality; Hazardous Wastes; Vector Control; Wastewater Management; Introduction to Epidemiology; Global Health and Sustainability; Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Health; Microbiology; Food Protection; Pest Control; Demography and Health; Senior Capstone
Master Program Courses:
Environmental Health Assessment; Environmental and Occupational Health Administration; Environmental and Occupational Epidemiology
Doctoral Program Courses:
Epidemiology; Research Methods; Global Epidemiology; Qualitative Research; Current Issues in Global Health Research; Dissertation Seminar; Dissertation Research

Faculty, College of Health and Human Services
2012 to 2018
- Taught graduate courses in public health, epidemiology, biostatistics, and research methods.
- Served as Dissertation Committee Chair and Member for PhD students.
- Served on University committees including Institutional Review Board and Library Committee.
- Conducted research in public health, water quality and beach economics.
- Awarded for Excellence in Service to the University.

Research Analyst
1994 to 2015
- Conducted market research by collecting data regarding the demand for levels of elder-care and retirement communities in different geographical locations.
- Performed statistical analysis of the data; Participated in generating surveys, presentation of results from analyses, and the preparation and review of final reports.

Office Manager, Legal Assistant; Accounting
2002 to 2012
- Managed an intellectual property law firm; Oversaw business, marketing and financial accounts.
- Managed the docket; Drafted and prepared court filings; Conducted legal research.

Assistant Project Scientist
2003 to 2005
- Coordinated the leading researchers and stakeholders to examine perchlorate contamination in national drinking waters.
- Prepared the final report for the California Department of Health Services.

Teaching Assistant
1994 to 1997
- Presented lectures and reviews for six U.C. Irvine courses in earth sciences and public health; Developed and graded exams.

Program Assistant (GS-11) for Dr. Thomas E. Lovejoy
1991 to 1994
- Science advisor to the National Museum of Natural History for their Oceans Exhibition and book.
- Coordinated workshops of leading researchers to initiate a Global Biodiversity Inventory.
- Consulted with White House Scientific Advisory Panel to prepare research for first Earth Summit.

Marine Microbiologist, and Certified Research Diver for Dr. Paul Jensen
1988 to 1990
- Collected environmental samples; Isolated, identified, preserved and mass cultured individual microorganisms; Extracted secondary metabolites from isolates.
- Screened extracts by chemical separation and bio-assays to test for anti-fungal properties and novel anti-cancer compounds.
- As a Scripps Certified Research Diver, I went on four expeditions aboard research vessels in the Caribbean to collect samples and conduct research.